Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Question of the hour

Why did you write a bucket list. I mean why do this at a young age...?

I can't tell you how many times I've been asked that question. It doesn't bother me to tell them the story of my friend and I beginning this since we were young. However, making this bucket list isn't just because of a tradition, rather its to remind me where I want to go in life and how to get there. It takes alot for anyone to sit down and write down their dreams, passions, and their hopes , but it takes even more to actually attempt every single dream, passion, and hope you've wrote. This list reminds you everyday that THIS is where you want your life to go and it will keep reminding you until you finally cross that item off. This isn't about just writing down something and planning for someday to do it....this is a list that should challenge you to do the unthinkable. To find moments to go out of your comfort zone to explore what you could have missed if you didn't. To conquer your fears my challenging yourself...but truly CHALLENGE yourself. There is times where you will find yourself thinking why? why do this? or Can i really do this?. The answer is always in fate. It amazes me that when I reach a new item on my list, I learn something new about life and I find that certain people are put in my life for maybe just a moment or for a lifetime. There's always a moment in each process of the items that you realize what lesson you were meant learn.

So here's my answer. I do this because one day I found myself lost. I found myself wondering why not do what i love, why not try something new, why not ..even though it scares me. I take this list extremely serious because even if I'm just 21.. we don't have every day guaranteed to us. I know you might hear that alot these days, but have you truly understood that? You have this one life, this one time to do what you love. To build the stories of a lifetime and adventure to one day tell your grand children. So live it and understand you only get this one chance to do it all.

p.s. I'm afraid of heights

- CC

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