Thursday, May 5, 2011

Bucket List Item #7

#7 Join a Sorority/Make it :)

Oh the famous number seven. This one was quite interesting to go through and I particularly found my self not wanting to the beginning. It was Spring semester 2009 when it came to mind that this year I would have to accomplish what I dreaded...Rushing for a Sorority. I find it quite funny saying those words because if you meet me now you would understand why those words are so amusing. Because it was Spring 2009 Rush Week was over and at the time I wasn't aware of the sororities Continuous Open Bidding so Fall 2009 was the semester I would have to go for it. Since I didn't want to do this alone I decided to convince my friend Dani to rush with me. Well I say convince, but it was more like "Hey we're rushing this week, here's what to sign, what we have to wear and the time and dates." I like to believe that's what truly happened, however Dani will tell you other wise ;). Going back to my main point here, Fall 2009 soon came around and Rush Week was finally here. At the University of Arkansas- Fort Smith Rush Week consisted of three days mainly over the weekend and If I were to write about every day, this would be 5 pages long so I will save you from that. However I will tell you my favorite day..Day 1.

Day 1 was my favorite day because that day while I was standing in line, wondering why I'm I always the first person in line and wishing I could just go to the back of the line, was actually the day I meet the DG sister, Amanda Chavez, who made me want to go DG by just a second of talking. Later on after getting the Bid for Delta Gamma, I got my wonderful BIG Kelli Muse who is amazing and likes to dance in the car just like me! Not only that, but my Great Great ended up being Amanda Chavez! My life is literally full of Delta Gamma and I wouldn't have it any other way. Some of those girls have become my best of best friends and can safely say that some of my Sisters will be in my wedding. 

So here's my advise for you...challenge yourself and  you will be surprised to find out that what you once might have thought as impossible could very well turn into a possibility. Remember, always give something a chance.



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